Available Paintings for sale in Art Shop Tab
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SOLD** Out to Pasture
Big horn Sheep on wood slats
$500. Buffalo 2019 (on wood)
Baby Elephant folding cards
Sea Turtles 4, square
Daisy ( Highland calf) SOLD
Sold****** Cooper & Peep
$600. Ducks, A Waddling We Will Go
SOLD******Sophie calf 20″ sq
SOLD **** Hazel & Nellie
$700 Highland Cow
$450. Elephants (Mom and baby)
Sold*** Tessler
SOLD*** Bear Fishing 20″ sq
$650 Polar Bear
SOLD ***Carmella $450.
$450.00 Yolko Ono
$450. Feathered Friends
(780) 850-7089
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